Thank you all for your sweet comments on Sampler Gameboard and my SIL! I really appreciate all of them.
I have been reading a lot lately so I haven't gotten that much stitching in but I was able to finish the Loose Feather from BBD above. It was really fun to stitch it. Sorry about the picture, we had some ice rain and really cold weather here and I just didn't want to go outside to take the picture.
The other finish I had was for an exchange, I have to stitch it for myself too since i just love it. Usually I don't have a hard time sending things off but it will be hard this time. I'll share a picture after Christmas since I know that the recipient reads my blog!
We are starting to get into the Christmas mood here. The tree is up and I have decorated, it's so pretty when I come up in the morning. Or festive rather, we only have one tree and it's full of the kids ornaments.