I was able to finish block 7 of Villages of Hawk Run Hollow last Friday. I'm really excited since this one took me a long time. It was worth it though.
I hope everyone out there will have a great Thanksgiving! We are just having the dinner here with the family, I'm really looking forward to it.
Thanks for the nice comments on my stitching and Juni!
And we try to get to Vala's each year, it's the biggest pumpkin patch in Omaha. We had fun and the kids discovered the pig races this year. The kids are always hanging out in the pirate's nest for a bit, hence the picture!
I got this lovely exchange from Cheryl! I just love everything! Thank you Cheryl! There was a stitched scissor fob and scissor, some Threadgatherer silks and cute, cute note cards.
We got a new family member a couple of weeks ago. I don't really know what breed she is but Carol thought she might have some Maine Coon and persian in her. She's a real fluff ball at least, but the shedding isn't too bad. We adopted her from a small rescue here in Omaha, Lifeline (will change name to Heartlands Feline rescue) and it was a real good experience. Tammy seems to know her cats really well and found us a couple that would fit in with our family. And it has gone really well, she's a very good cat!
And each year I try to stitch something for Halloween, this year it was Funk and Webers Dead in the night. I really like it, haven't decided how to finish it yet. Sometimes projects have to mature a bit;). I also have to put the last bead on my fairy so I'm hoping to update with pictures of that soon.
I'm going to rush the holidays in today and start putting out some Christmas decorations outside. Just some garlands and wreaths, I might do the lights later. It's really cold here and I think it will be as nice as it will get until Thanksgiving so I'm taking the oppertunity to do it in some nice weather. Last year I almost froze my hiney off!