Judi opened up a LNS down in Plattsmouth this weekend, For the Love of Cross Stitch and it's so cute and it's in Plattsmouths historical district with all the antique shops and a wonderful quilt shop opposite it. So Mel and I drove down there and I got SB's 2009 scissor fob and 2 more of LK's Halloween series. All customers got a kitted up freebie too! The fabric is from the quilt store.
Sorry about this bad picture, I didn't realize how bad it was before I uploaded it. With it raining all the time here for the moment it is hard to get good pictures. Anyways, it's my last car project, LHN's Faith worked on a R and R mystery fabric out of a fabric scrap bag.
And this is how far I have gotten on Summer House, I really have to get some hours in on it next Wednesday.
Thank you all for your sweet comments on my last post.