Then I'm working on another Blackbird Designs project, Autumn Silhouette. The ladies at the Blackbird Designs Yahoo group are doing a summer SAL and this was my pick for it. I'm stitching it on R & R 40 ct Iced Cappuccino and that is a yummy fabric. My eyes hurt but it's so worth it!
And this is another almost finish. Just have to add the buttons to it. The fabric is gorgeous in real life.
My other darling daughter had her birthday too this week! The girls are just 3 weeks in July so it's always a lot of partying going here. Which is fun, I have a whole gaggle of tween girls here yesterday for a slumber party and they are all a hoot!
In between parties we have been busy. My older kids both showed their cats for the Sarpy County Fair. This is DD with Jack who took home a purple ribbon. Not bad for a stray that we found living under our grill. No microchip, no one called about him from the humane society so we decided to keep him after trying to locate his family for 6 weeks. Jack was not amused by the show and did hardly peek out of the carrier.
Oscar showed Juni, she did get blue ribbon. Evidently we have to brush her teeth since she has plaque. That will be an interesting experience.
Then we have built rockets and launched the same rockets and now their entered too. I have a little craft queen on my hand it seems. After weeding out some project DD entered 15 items! I love the crafting party but it's a pain finding all the projects scattered around the house, fluffing and fixing all the projects and the dreaded mind game of figuring out which Department, Division and Class they belong too. We did the interviewing Tuesday and Wednesday I just took a mental healt day. Lucky that everything was prepared for DD party.
Occasionally the sun shows up here and then we run down to the pool. Which is great because I have read quite a bit. I just finished up Must Love Dogs and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society. Both very enjoyable!!
Thank you for all the nice comments on my last post. I'm behind again, story of my life. The kids are going back to school in the 20th and then I don't have to wrestle 3 young uns for the computer!