I joined the Sanctuary SAL with Sally and Chris, thanks for having me ladies. This is how far I have gotten on it. I think it's been an UFO for 6 years, hopefully I can get it stitched up. It's so pretty, don't know why I stopped working on it.
I have kind of given up on this blog. It's been a busy year here with very active freshman, a pretty active middle schooler and of course my little first grader. My DS did the musical, the play, mock trial and show choir as his extra curricular activities so we have been driving a lot. DD has been doing chorus and bands so we have enjoyed a lot of concerts over at the middle school too.
And then I decided to take more classes this year so I have been going to school 75% of the time and taking care of kids and home the rest of the time. So it's not been a lot of time for me. But I'm taking the summer off to reload and hopefully I will have some more time to post now and then. I have some finishes that I have to take pictures of and share if it only could stop raining!