This is Rite of Spring, another Loose Feather design from Blackbird designs. I stitched it with Suzanne over at Squazi and the Chicken ( It was a fun stitch but those circles were hard to line up, I did quite a bit of frogging.
This is my next WIP, Peacock Cypher from Just Nan. My MIL picked it up at Cecilia's Sampler in Branson during her last visit. She asked if I could stitch it up for her and change it into a wedding sampler for her and FIL. This is how far I have gotten on it. I want to finish it before we go home this summer!
Here's another Lilliput iris. It's really small and cute.
School has slowed down somewhat. We did get a longer time period to finish up that last 3 chapters so that feels kind of good. I was so stressed out there for a while due to short time lines we got and the fact that we had major hand ins and a big test every other week since the class started.
Thank you for visiting and all your sweet commments!