We got our tickets to go home to Sweden this summer! And we are going through Amsterdam's airport (Skiphol, I probably spelled that one wrong). Last time we went by there 6 years ago I bought a bag of tulips, a mixed variety one. As usual with tulips they looked great the first year and then most colors started to die off. Except for the yellow ones!! I think they are those self dividing ones and I'm just getting more and more of them. This is just one of the patches, I started out with ca 3-4 yellow ones here and look at them go.
So guess what I'm picking up on my way home? Yup, at least 2 more bags. We just have 1 hour or so at the airport so if I you see a small chubby swedish lady jog through the airport in July with a bag of tulips under each arm, that would be me!
I went to a retreat this weekend and took a brazilian embroidery class. I finished my piece so I have to take a picture of it and share it here. It's just been busy with field trips, fun and field day at school and lots of laundry since DH is leaving for Japan for a meeting tomorrow. It's easier for me if everything is clean since then he's doing his own packing. If it's not he tries to involve me in it, don't know why? And I really don't want that to happen..
Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my finishes!
Oh, that's very exciting about your trip to Sweden! And getting more tulips -- they are one of my favorite flowers! Looking forward to seeing your Brazilian embroidery!
I love tulips! I'm jealous that you will get some "real" ones. :) Have fun!
Oh, you must be so excited about your trip to Sweden! And to be able to get some tulips while there would be awesome.
I wish i could send some tulip bulbs outside holland but i am sure i will get problems with the post.
Oh Kajsa, how great for you and your family. And I can easily see why the tulip bags are a must. I love tulips, too, and at the moment they are blooming in all the gardens around here. I hope you'll get your tulip bags without problems.
I'm just loving the picture of you jogging through Schipol with your tulip bags!
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