I don't know about you but if I'm in bad mood and have nothing fun to post about I don't care for blogging. Unfortunatly that's been my month. Doesn't happen to often but there it is. We have had some issues with adjusting to high school but it looks good now again and I have great hope for the future. I don't think that being superbusy with the musical, one act and mock trial has really helped my DS to concentrate on his school work enough but he has really, really fun. Oscar also got his black belt in Tae Kwon Do last week. That's him up there breaking a board. All the kids activities has a tendency to take over my life though. Doesn't help that my DH had to take off for a 16 day long business trip so I'm the only one carting kids around. But things are looking up!! Just to 2 days until hubbie comes home and the grades that are coming in at this point looks great!! Woohoo!
Needleroll from Lynne
Since I now have started to figure out how to use the new camera I can also start to share pictures from it! Here's the needleroll Lynne stitched for me in the exchange. Isn't it pretty?! It isn't easy being a techno phobe. This time I had to figure out how to upload pictures the way my DH likes to do it and he's a computer engineer. Sometimes I have problem just turning on the TV here because the set up is so complicated.
Angel of winter
And this is the lady that is sucking my stitching mojo away! She's my UFO challenge this year and I really, really, really want to finish her for a friend so I will persist. This picture was snapped a couple of weeks ago, I'm almost ready for beading now. So hopefully she will be out of my life next week.
The kids are off tomorrow and I can't wait to do some crafting and baking with the girls. My oldest have show choir rehearsels since they are starting to get ready to compete. That's what he loves to do anyways so what a great way to spend your day off with your buddies singing (and dancing or rather attempts to dance).
Thanks for visiting and for all your sweet comments!
Sorry you've been so busy and you're feeling a lack of stitching mojo. Hope it returns soon. Nice piece from Lynn -- and your WIP is gorgeous! Congrats to your son on his black belt -- pretty cool!
Sounds like you've had your hands full! I'm so glad you're back.
Angel of Winter is so beautiful!! This has always been a favourite of mine.
Hi Kajsa! Your Angel of Winter is lovely--such detail in that piece.
I do hope this next month goes smoother for you--life is always a circus when raising kids, that's for sure--you never know what to expect!!
Congratulations to Oscar on his black belt!!
Oh my, Kajsa, you've been more than busy these days. No wonder that the stitching mojo went lost in some way. But times will get smoother and your mojo will come back. Maybe real soon ...
Angel of Winter is gorgeous! Love the neederoll you received too. Do you have any idea who the designer is?
Things do tend to get hectic as the kids get older. I was never this busy when they were babies! Crazy! I applaud you for Lady in Winter...that is a lot of stitching in one color. It just might drive me insane! But how gorgeous she will be when finished. :) Hope you get your mojo back!
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